André Neves

Results 50 comments of André Neves

@janicduplessis Nexus 6P running Android 7.0 SDK on React Native 0.42 and React 15.4. Tested both your Expo application and copying over the code (in its entirety) to my React...

Doesn't seem to load properly for me?

Preview can be seen here:

I haven't heard of one that supports signet myself

The Lightning Address protocol doesn't specify any transfer limits of any kind. You may be referring to the `maxSendable` and `minSendable` properties of the LNURL Pay response from LUD 06...

That part of the spec is actually the LUD06 specification:

There have been discussions around getting a `payto:` convention going but we'd need to convince browsers to adopt it over time. Uphill battle, but definitely possible. The immediate approach would...

Probably worth asking on the LNBits repo if you haven't yet, I'm not involved with the project myself.

Yeah this is definitely a place where we can improve the separation here. Services !== Wallets, I agree with you. I could see possibly see refactoring things to relate this...