
Results 6 comments of andreott

Hi, I am using this issue as I am facing a similar problem. For SE reads the duplication rates reported by fastp and FastQC (on the same raw reads) differ...

Hi, I am getting the same error when running Polca with version 3.4.2 installed via conda

Same problem here, --test producing the error for 3.13 (same for conda installed and downloaded pre-built) Attached files: [spades.log]( [params.txt](

I edited/clarified my post. The problem occurs for the conda installed version and also for the pre-built from the Spades site.

Hey, I guess it is just a problem with the samtools version. polca uses the following line to call samtools sort: `$SAMTOOLS sort -m $MEM -@ $NUM_THREADS >samtools.err && \`...

Hi, I stumbled across the same issue and maybe you can also just build a lightweight solution. As the costly part is the extraction of reads mapping the precomputed list...