Andrei Volt
Andrei Volt
I'm also interested in camera support - and props to @qzed for the research you've done. You're saying it "won't be that simple", since this is OSS I suspect someone...
@qzed no problem and thank you for that estimate, it seems you've got a skeleton of a solution, it seems improbable that it won't happen at some point, which is...
Using Chromium 35 on Linux with a blank profile. I can confirm it works on Firefox 32a2. Let me know if there's anything I can provide for debugging.
> I was on 2.17.1, upgraded to 2.18.1, issue persists but **not on Darwin** so not sure if that is related I still have the issue on Darwin. I'm not...
I'm on master
> Which commit of Nixpkgs do you run? Still no one with this issue have answered that. > > I can see for example the Nixpkgs path pointing to a...
allright, it works after setting `nixpkgs.pkgs` to latest (this is for `nixpkgs-23.11-darwin` branch): ``` nixpkgs.pkgs = import (builtins.fetchTarball "") {}; ```
@fightingdreamer also on macOS, I have solved it differently, do you understand how the root channels relate to user channels? I would think there shouldn't be any relation in nix-darwin...
:+1: Same here
Correction: `list-tabs` does work, which is enough for now!