
Results 7 issues of Woky

Hi! I have a lot of images, and i build a lot of variants for each image. And when i use the `optimize: true` option it takes a lot of...

Since we have these values i thought it my be useful to add them automatically to ``. I know that sources will most likely have different values, but the ratio...

When the `size` prop is 0 a blank image `` is used to prevent the browser from fetching the image.

### What happened and what did you expect to happen? Hello! When using the internal speaker and microphone of a laptop, the sound from the speakers is picked up and...


### What happened and what did you expect to happen? Hello! On Safari 16.1 - 16.3 an error is raised when trying to change the priorities of VideoPriorityBasedPolicy. Other versions...

* [] I have read the [contribution documentation](https://github.com/electron-userland/electron-installer-snap/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md) for this project. * [x] I agree to follow the [code of conduct](https://github.com/electron/electron/blob/master/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md) that this project follows, as appropriate. * [x] I...

Trying to fix https://github.com/cyrilwanner/next-optimized-images/issues/195 i ended up patching the loader to use image-min so i can build the images, so i was thinking maybe we could add an opt in...