Results 4 issues of Andrea Fresa

Hello guys, I´m using your modeler for creating an Information Model. In the GUI I was able to implement the whole model, but when I saved it and I had...

Hello guys, I have an ObjectType with a method. The method has an input argument. This input argument can be repeated multiple times. For example: Imagine to have function MoveJoints...

Hello, I have seen from your code that to parse the events from the server you are using a for loop. I guess that this mean that the program will...

Hello guys, My xpath statement is this one (I added an xml namespace ,ns1): `var Objects = select("//ns1:References/ns1:Reference[@ReferenceType="+typeofref+"]/text()="+id.toString(), ns);` But the id that I am passing is this one: `ns=2;i=16601`...