Hi, I can't find anymore the firmware for the oled version, do you have it? or can you tell me where I can find it? Thanks
you mean that one is compatible also with oled version of the modchip? So if yes, what I have to check to know if 'one' firmware is compatible or...
I saw your video, but I can't understand one things, please, I have the oled chip, and you told me that 'but better use the hwfly-nx firmware' so I'm asking...
Hi, I installed succesfully the oled modchip, it work fine but if I put some pressure on bottom of the consolle during the glitch proces, it doesn't work. After some...
Thanks to all I will checkduring the Easter holiday.
> Most of the time, it is the cpu cover shorting to some components on the board . It is because you didn't cut or fold the latches neatly. So...