
Results 17 comments of Dan

Just ran into this now. Also, how do we go about resetting a service principal credential? Running 'az ad sp credential reset' returns the non 'sdk-auth' format which does not...

System.Text.Json uses JsonPropertyName so I don't think it was this. Yes the trigger passes the json as a string successfully into InputData of IFunctionsBindingsFeature. However, it wouldn't bind to my...

**Nugets:** ``` ``` **Trigger:** ``` [Function("DoSomething")] public async Task DoSomething( [CosmosDBTrigger("%DbName%", "container", ConnectionStringSetting = "CosmosDbConnectionString", LeaseCollectionName = "leases", CreateLeaseCollectionIfNotExists = true)] IReadOnlyList entities) { } ``` **Payload:** .../admin/functions/DoSomething ``` {...

I'm using Azure functions v4 isolated, but with the 3.0.9 cosmos nuget. Does that change things? `v4`

Really strange. It works for me. No the entity in the example doesn't inherit from anything. I'm also bringing in the cosmos client. But I don't think that changes anything....

You're pointing to a different nuget. This is the one I am using https://www.nuget.org/packages/Microsoft.Azure.Functions.Worker.Extensions.CosmosDB/3.0.9 Note _Worker_ and not _WebJobs_

I think the isolated model uses worker packages. Maybe there has been a mix up with the cosmos extensions versions.

Exact scenario: I'm running zip deploy using: `az functionapp deployment source config-zip -g $RESOURCE_GROUP -n $FUNCTION --src package.zip` However, this will break if there is no 'function-releases' container in the...

> You should be able to control default log levels across Function App - via host.json - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-functions/configure-monitoring?tabs=v2#configure-log-levels - let us know if this is not working as expected I...