Anders Sørensen
Anders Sørensen
@pbering I was thinking if binaries or configs change, then Kestrel wouldn't know about it whereas the IIS would restart `dotnet.exe` underneath. At least in the out-of-process model used in...
`dotnet watch` expects an MSBuild project file sadly. I can imagine `FileSystemWatcher` working in the Kestrel approach too though. The execution could look like this: 1. Start a `FileSystemWatcher` 2....
Thanks for all the feedback. In the meantime, I’ve managed to run Identity Server in a Nano Server container too. The HTTPS certificate *and* the Identity Server certificate can both...
@pbering @bplasmeijer @joostmeijles In case you didn't notice, I opened PR #226 It might not fit perfectly into the XM, XC, XP topology groupings. Let me know what I can...
> I feel like you shouldnt be allowed to claim CSI support, if it doesn't work outside k8s Agreed. In any case, did you check if there's a true CSI...
If EKS deploys ALBs into either of your subnets then yeah, Terraform or even AWS CLI will not be able to delete neither ALBs or subnets. ALBs because, well, they're...
/remove-lifecycle stale
I noticed the `LokiRequestLatency` rule is defined differently here: ```yaml alert: LokiRequestLatency annotations: message: | {{ $labels.job }} {{ $labels.route }} is experiencing {{ printf "%.2f" $value }}s 99th...
@geekofalltrades Thank you for this. I ran into a similar issue, however mine being with the fact that the `vault_pki_secret_backend_intermediate_cert_request` resources weren't recreated when my PKI mounts were re-created. I...