terraform-provider-vault copied to clipboard
Unable to pass X.509 credentials to Vault via Terraform
Hi there,
Terraform - 1.0.8 & 1.0.7 Vault - 1.8.3-1 (linux) terraform-provider-vault - 2.23.0 & 2.22.0 terraform-provider-tls - 3.1.0 terraform-provider-keycloak - 3.4.0
I have been having an issue with terraform-provider-vault where the local versions of the PKI bundle are not being passed back to the CA (root or Int).
For the root CA I am using the hashicorp provider TLS to generate the root key and the ca-cert The keypair for both the root & Intermediate CA's can be writen to local files and manually import them into vault, either by the CLI or the GUI. I then use "vault_pki_secret_backend_config_ca" and "vault_pki_secret_backend_intermediate_set_signed" to attempt to write the CA credentials back to the root CA without success.
resource "vault_mount" "root" {
type = "pki"
path = "pki-root-ca"
default_lease_ttl_seconds = 31556952 # 1 years
max_lease_ttl_seconds = 157680000 # 5 years
description = "Root Certificate Authority"
resource "tls_private_key" "ca_key" {
algorithm = "RSA"
rsa_bits = 4096
resource "tls_self_signed_cert" "ca_cert" {
private_key_pem = tls_private_key.ca_key.private_key_pem
key_algorithm = "RSA"
subject {
common_name = "Root CA"
organization = "BOB"
organizational_unit = "BOB"
country = "AU"
# 175200 = 20 years
validity_period_hours = 175200
allowed_uses = [
is_ca_certificate = true
resource "local_file" "root_ca_pem_bundle" {
sensitive_content = "${tls_private_key.ca_key.private_key_pem}${tls_self_signed_cert.ca_cert.cert_pem}"
filename = "${path.root}/output/root_ca/ca_pem_bundle.pem"
file_permission = "0777"
resource "vault_pki_secret_backend_intermediate_set_signed" "root_ca" {
depends_on = [
backend = vault_mount.root.path
certificate = local_file.root_ca_pem_bundle.sensitive_content
resource "vault_pki_secret_backend_config_ca" "root_ca_config" {
depends_on = [ vault_mount.root, tls_private_key.ca_key]
backend = vault_mount.root.path
pem_bundle = local_file.root_ca_pem_bundle.sensitive_content
The Intermediate CA server
resource "vault_mount" "pki_int" {
path = "pki-intermediate"
type = "pki"
description = "This is the intermediate CA"
default_lease_ttl_seconds = 3600
max_lease_ttl_seconds = 86400
resource "vault_pki_secret_backend_intermediate_cert_request" "intermediate" {
depends_on = [vault_mount.pki_int]
backend = vault_mount.pki_int.path
type = "exported" #'exported/internal'
# This appears to be overwritten when the CA signs this cert, I'm not sure
# the importance of common_name here.
common_name = "Intermediate Certificate"
format = "pem"
private_key_format = "der"
key_type = "rsa"
key_bits = "4096"
resource "vault_pki_secret_backend_root_sign_intermediate" "intermediate" {
depends_on = [
backend = vault_mount.root.path
csr = vault_pki_secret_backend_intermediate_cert_request.intermediate.csr
common_name = "Intermediate Certificate"
exclude_cn_from_sans = true
ou = "BOB"
organization = "BOB"
country = "AU"
# Note that I am asking for 8 years here, since the vault_mount.root has a max_lease_ttl of 5 years
# this 8 year request is shortened to 5.
ttl = 252288000 #8 years
resource "vault_pki_secret_backend_config_ca" "int_ca_config" {
depends_on = [
backend = vault_mount.pki_int.path
pem_bundle = local_file.ca_int_pem_bundle.sensitive_content
resource "vault_pki_secret_backend_intermediate_set_signed" "intermediate" {
depends_on = [
backend = vault_mount.pki_int.path
certificate = "${vault_pki_secret_backend_root_sign_intermediate.intermediate.certificate}"
When I run this code, in amongst the other CA code, I do not get any logging references relating back to it.
I should be seeing the string "/${instance}/config/ca" in the log file, and I have Terraform running under DEBUG logging.
The only reference I find in that to 'root_ca_config' is either Provider or Reference Transformer entries, and a single entry for
pruneUnusedNodes: vault_pki_secret_backend_config_ca.root_ca_config (expand) is no longer needed, removing
Looking in the terraform output when running I can see I see no entries in relation to "vault_pki_secret_backend_config_ca" code running. Occasionally, I may see a reference to the the entry stating that the Intermediate has been refreshed.
vault_pki_secret_backend_config_ca.int_ca_config: Refreshing state... [id=pki-intermediate] vault_pki_secret_backend_intermediate_set_signed.intermediate: Refreshing state... [id=pki-intermediate/intermediate/set-signed]
But nothing for the Root CA.
I can, after the code completes, manually add the bundle file to the root CA and it accepts the bundle. But when I rerun the code the same behavior occurs with the Intermediate CA, in that vault_pki_secret_backend_config_ca.int_ca_config, or vault_pki_secret_backend_intermediate_set_signed.intermediate Don't run, although the do get refreshed. Again there is nothing in the logs.
The signed Intermediate cert and key (if I exported it) not being added to the CA. Internal/exported on the private key doesn't make a difference. Debug Output none
Expected Behavior
For both the Root and Int CA's I would expect to see the x.509 bundle uploaded to the appropriate CA. Currently I am not seeing this behavior. I can manually create a CA using the Vault CLI, using the same credentials. There have been similar issues reported previously.
Actual Behavior The vault_pki_secret_backend_intermediate_set_signed or vault_pki_secret_backend_config_ca.int_ca_config code stanzas are not being run, as such the X.509 keypair are not being added to the CA server How ever randomly and in no pattern I have been able to determine, the 'vault_pki_secret_backend_intermediate_set_signed' appears to run, if this happens it is after I have manually applied the root bundle to the root CA. I reset vault (stop vault, delete all data in the vault data path, delete all logs, restart vault, reinitialize) and then run the code, with no changes. It will fails.
If after a terraform run, I run the commands vault write pki-root-ca/config/ca pem_bundle=@output/root_ca/ca_pem_bundle.pem Success! Data written to: pki-root-ca/config/ca vault write pki-intermediate/config/ca pem_bundle=@output/int_ca/int_ca_pem_bundle.pem Success! Data written to: pki-intermediate/config/ca vault write pki-intermediate/intermediate/set-signed certificate=@output/int_ca/int_cert.pem Success! Data written to: pki-intermediate/intermediate/set-signed
But the same code in terraform doesn't appear to run.
References: https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform-provider-vault/blob/e349937c55f143b1ff9a8d894116da3c55ff72d0/vault/provider.go https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform-provider-vault/pull/158 https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/latest/docs/resources/pki_secret_backend_intermediate_set_signed https://medium.com/@stvdilln/creating-a-certificate-authority-with-hashicorp-vault-and-terraform-4d9ddad31118
Important Information This is a module that will take a newly initialized instance of vault and configure it to create a root/Int CA's and to create a basic number of Vault & CA Admin roles in Keycloak in a terraformed managed realm.
I reset vault (stop vault, delete all data in the vault data path, delete all logs, restart vault, reinitialize) and then run the code, with no changes. It will fails.
I think this is expected behavior, but deeply annoying. The API endpoints backing this resource are write-only. They don't support read, and they don't support delete. You can see this reflected in the implementation of the resource: the read and delete functions are empty stubs. This means that, once these resources are in the Terraform state, Terraform has no way of detecting drift, and can't detect when they need to be updated.
If you terraform taint vault_pki_secret_backend_config_ca.root_ca_config
and then apply, does it work once?
I was able to work around this with a combination of null_resource
and replace_triggered_by
resource "vault_mount" "pki" {
path = "pki"
type = "pki"
resource "null_resource" "pki_backend_tracker" {
triggers = {
accessor = vault_mount.pki.accessor
resource "vault_pki_secret_backend_config_ca" "pki" {
lifecycle {
replace_triggered_by = [null_resource.pki_backend_tracker]
backend = vault_mount.pki.path
pem_bundle = local.pki
The null_resource
is necessary as a shim because it plans to replace itself if the PKI backend mount changes, which triggers the replace_triggered_by
on the config_ca resource. Otherwise, if the Vault backend state is wiped, then the PKI mount is planned as a create, which doesn't trigger the replace_triggered_by
@geekofalltrades Thank you for this. I ran into a similar issue, however mine being with the fact that the vault_pki_secret_backend_intermediate_cert_request
resources weren't recreated when my PKI mounts were re-created.
I mistakenly thought the replace_triggered_by
worked if I supplied the vault_mount.x.accessor
but no. The null_resource
& triggers
combo did the trick though!