@apdavison @appukuttan-shailesh Thanks for the quick response. > @anandtrex for the current implementation, you can only set the global random seeds in the setup() function. I do set up the...
I was specifically thinking of having a way to provide a maximum value when drawing from a gamma distribution, since for many quantities, extremely large values aren't biologically realistic (and...
Looks like the folks at Gnome are running the latest stable release of bugzilla which is 4.4.9, and from what I understand, the native REST API was introduced in Bugzilla...
I thought we already had the solution, with bounding_func also taking care of scaling after being appropriately renamed. I think @dsalaj is working on this.
True, the fitness is not being scaled. But knowing the scale of the fitness is much much more likely than knowing the actual optima. Since, in many cases, the user...
+1. This would also help to control when the scoop worker processes are spun up and spun down programmatically without them having to run throughout the entire duration of the...
Well, my suggestion would be that resubmitting jobs should be optional, since jobs may not always be idempotent.
Apologies for the late reply. I did mean idempotent in the sense that when called with the same input, the function/operator/simulation has the same output without side-effects or with side-effects...
I have run this with Python 3.5 and nest 2.12.0 in the past. @schmitts has probably run it with more recent versions of these packages.
Hi @shirleyatgithub , thank you for your message. The current parameters were chosen using a parameter search to achieve good performance on the XOR and memory tasks while maintaining reasonable...