Houssain Amrani

Results 6 issues of Houssain Amrani

- Require PHP 7. - Support Laravel v5.5. Feel free to submit any issue or pull request.


Hello. ## Added 1. Add ability to call the other `EmojiOne\Client` Methods dynamically, `LaravelEmojiOne::asciiToShortname($str)` 2. Ability to set emoji sizes fluently, `LaravelEmojiOne::setEmojiSize(32)->asciiToShortname($str);`. ## Changed With the blade directive `@emojione`, I've...

> This issue is related to the `roadmap` project, if you're interested to contribute, feel free to open pull requests. Revision the current documentation and make it simpler, easy to...

Road Map

> This issue is related to the `roadmap` project, if you're interested to contribute, feel free to open pull requests. At the moment, `MyFirebase` is capable to cache the assets...

Road Map

> This issue is related to the `roadmap` project, if you're interested to contribute, feel free to open pull requests. Writing tests for the core framework Repository Link: https://github.com/myfirebase/framework

Road Map

## Description This pull request changes the `parseJob` method to ensure that `$payload['data']` is an array and that the `command` property exists before unserializing the data. The reason for this...