Houssain Amrani

Results 16 comments of Houssain Amrani

@IuliaCovalenco94 / @IuliaCovalenco , I've updated the package with the latest recombee sdk v4, feel free to try again with the latest version of this package. NOTE: the main API...

@giojkd / @nguyenmiinh0208 , I've updated the package with the latest recombee sdk v4, feel free to try again with the latest version of this package. NOTE: the main API...

@doublehops that is correct!!, you can do that manually after creating a new table, so you're free to do that however you like!! Thanks For submitting this issue, if you...

Hi miguel Thank you for reporting. Apparently, seems like a bug, when you creating a table you've tried to relate it with user table which is not exist in relationship-table,...

Hi @savolai thanks for submitting this issue, it's still a planned feature at the moment you can not alter the table after migrating the schema with the CRUD generator, you...

Hi @lsfiege Modernizing this tool, in general, is on the list, I'll be working on this shortly Thanks

@hondaman900, thanks for submitting this issue. If I understand your issue, you can create a new entity using scaffold-interface and link it to the user entity via One-To-Many relationship, all...

1. before migrating user table to the database make sure to add ORM migration adding ` $table->string('state');` 2. Pass an array of data to **create.blade.php** through the controller. ```php public...

@hondaman900 Hi again!! scaffold-interface uses the great [laravel/spatie-permession](https://github.com/spatie/laravel-permission) package that makes you eligible to give permissions to your users to display some contents to them etc...

@claAshish Do you have any suggestion about it ??