I am getting this error when trying to train with multiple gpus: File ./lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/nn/parallel/", line 71, in _broadcast_coalesced_reshape NotImplementedError: Could not run 'aten::view' with arguments from the 'SparseCUDA' backend. This...
Hello, I have a convex mesh that needs to be deformed throughout the simulation. To achieve this, I recreate it in each frame. unfortunately, this results in clipping through the...
Hello, I have a scenario where I need a simple deformable convex mesh for simulation. As Physx does not allow changing the vertices of of a convex mesh, I recreate...
Hi, I have successfully built the library, and generated a tet mesh using the executable, but when trying to integrate tetwild in to my code with #include i am getting...
Hello, First of all thanks for making this this great package available. I have a sparse QP problem with with n~5000 variables. Is there anyway to speed up the CvxpyLayer...