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getting sigserv (abnormal signal termination) when trying to use tetrahedralization
I have successfully built the library, and generated a tet mesh using the executable, but when trying to integrate tetwild in to my code with #include <tetwild\tetwild.h> i am getting the following error:
Abnormal program termination: received signal 11 (SIGSEGV)
the relevant minimal code snippet is:
Eigen::MatrixXi Ftet;
Eigen::VectorXd A0;
Eigen::MatrixXd Vtet;
tetwild::Args args;
tetwild::tetrahedralization(cutV, cutF, Vtet, Ftet, A0, args);
I know that cutV and cutF are fine.
I am including the following libraries:
fmt.lib geogram.lib pymesh_tiny.lib tetwild.lib
What am I doing wrong?
Hi, did you try write the input vertices/faces into disk and try the binary of tetwild? Could you share the input mesh?