i really speak about this paragraph not secret chat > An **alternative** form of inner data (p_q_inner_data_temp) is used to create temporary keys, that are only stored in the...
but i think every thing maybe needed for updating tg to last layer provided with vysheng you only need generate constant and customize for your need. :)
really i think [tgnet]( of DRKLO project now open source until layer57 and compiled for x86 if vysheng need can rewrite based those project instead tdlib....
i think you must follow bellow code ````java int task = kernel.getKernelComm().getUploader().requestTask("C:\\virtual\\vivian.jpg", null); kernel.getKernelComm().getUploader().waitForTask(task); int resultState = kernel.getKernelComm().getUploader().getTaskState(task); Uploader.UploadResult result = kernel.getKernelComm().getUploader().getUploadResult(task); TLAbsInputFile inputFile; if (result.isUsedBigFile()) { inputFile = new...
for pdf file must change as follow ````java TLAbsInputMedia _media = new TLInputMediaUploadedDocument(); TLVector attributes = new TLVector(); TLDocumentAttributeFilename fileNam = new TLDocumentAttributeFilename(); fileNam.setFileName("yourfile.pdf"); attributes.add(fileNam); ((TLInputMediaUploadedDocument) _media).setCaption("caption"); ((TLInputMediaUploadedDocument) _media).setMimeType("application/pdf");//this based...
no problem i think this better maybe negative value create problem! ````java Math.abs(new Random().nextLong()) ``
hi edbrik i think with 1-try catch block and 2-stored result in tlUpdates and check read stat with updates recived if problem occur you may get RPCException and better @rubenlagus...
hi mehdi1602 with argument of TLRequestMessagesGetHistory you can handle this i think .
i see this proxy using port 8443 and have sponsor channel but tnx for your answer.
you think so hard maybe simple as Secret is your sponsor channel id or username i tested this approach don't work...