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Create instance TLAbsInputMedia for Send message with document or image file

Open edbrik opened this issue 8 years ago • 13 comments


I really tired create te object TLAbsInputMedia but i cant send messages with files or images This is the code I use

TLAbsInputMedia media = new TLInputMediaDocument();
File initialFile = new File("C:\\virtual\\vivian.jpg");
InputStream targetStream = new FileInputStream(initialFile);
media.deserialize(targetStream, null);
kernel.getKernelComm().sendMedia(databaseManager.getUserById(16264778), media);

edbrik avatar Nov 24 '16 00:11 edbrik

i think you must follow bellow code

    int task = kernel.getKernelComm().getUploader().requestTask("C:\\virtual\\vivian.jpg", null);
    int resultState = kernel.getKernelComm().getUploader().getTaskState(task);
    Uploader.UploadResult result = kernel.getKernelComm().getUploader().getUploadResult(task);

TLAbsInputFile inputFile;
    if (result.isUsedBigFile()) {
      inputFile = new TLInputFileBig();
    } else {
      inputFile = new TLInputFile();

TLAbsInputMedia  _media = new TLInputMediaUploadedPhoto(); // for only send image png , jpg not as document

TLAbsInputPeer _peer= (TLAbsInputPeer) new TLInputPeerUser();
         ((TLInputPeerUser)_peer).setUserId(id); //get user id from your db
         ((TLInputPeerUser)_peer).setAccessHash(hash); //get user hash from your db

  TLRequestMessagesSendMedia request = new TLRequestMessagesSendMedia();
 TLUpdates tlUpdates = (TLUpdates) kernel.getKernelComm().getApi().doRpcCall((TLMethod) request);

amin1softco avatar Nov 24 '16 05:11 amin1softco


thank you very much, one question more.

for send xlsx (MS Excel) and pdf files i try use the TLInputMediaUploadedDocument but doest work.

TLAbsInputMedia  _media = new TLInputMediaUploadedDocument (); 

          ((TLInputMediaUploadedDocument )_media).setCaption("caption");
          ((TLInputMediaUploadedDocument )_media).setFile(inputFile);

edbrik avatar Nov 24 '16 14:11 edbrik

for pdf file must change as follow

TLAbsInputMedia _media = new TLInputMediaUploadedDocument();
         TLVector<TLAbsDocumentAttribute> attributes = new TLVector<>();
           TLDocumentAttributeFilename fileNam = new TLDocumentAttributeFilename();
          ((TLInputMediaUploadedDocument) _media).setCaption("caption");
           ((TLInputMediaUploadedDocument) _media).setMimeType("application/pdf");//this based file extension
          ((TLInputMediaUploadedDocument) _media).setFile(inputFile);
          ((TLInputMediaUploadedDocument) _media).setAttributes(attributes);
Extension MIME Type
.doc      application/msword
.dot      application/msword

.docx     application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
.dotx     application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.template
.docm     application/
.dotm     application/

.xls      application/
.xlt      application/
.xla      application/

.xlsx     application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
.xltx     application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.template
.xlsm     application/
.xltm     application/
.xlam     application/
.xlsb     application/

.ppt      application/
.pot      application/
.pps      application/
.ppa      application/

.pptx     application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation
.potx     application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.template
.ppsx     application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.slideshow
.ppam     application/
.pptm     application/
.potm     application/
.ppsm     application/

amin1softco avatar Nov 24 '16 14:11 amin1softco

Hi .

The first time I uploaded an image worked fine but when I try again it does not send anything.

i change the code for




edbrik avatar Nov 24 '16 14:11 edbrik

no problem i think this better maybe negative value create problem!

Math.abs(new Random().nextLong())

amin1softco avatar Nov 24 '16 14:11 amin1softco

Works great, thank you very much for the support!!

edbrik avatar Nov 24 '16 14:11 edbrik

hi amin1softco one question please.

How to know if the file was sent successfully?

edbrik avatar Nov 24 '16 16:11 edbrik

hi edbrik i think with 1-try catch block and 2-stored result in tlUpdates and check read stat with updates recived

if problem occur you may get RPCException and better @rubenlagus say answer really i not member of telegram support 😄

amin1softco avatar Nov 24 '16 16:11 amin1softco

Thanks for your support :D

edbrik avatar Nov 24 '16 17:11 edbrik

Hi Amin and edbrik, could you please help me in finding a way to read old messages from a channel or supergroup. for example think that the user want to move and see old messages. how could I have access to old messages?

mehdi1602 avatar Nov 25 '16 21:11 mehdi1602

hi mehdi1602 with argument of TLRequestMessagesGetHistory you can handle this i think .

amin1softco avatar Nov 26 '16 04:11 amin1softco

thanks Amin, I used as below

                TLRequestMessagesGetHistory tlReq = new TLRequestMessagesGetHistory();
                TLAbsInputPeer _peer = (TLAbsInputPeer) new TLInputPeerChat();
                ((TLInputPeerChat) _peer).setChatId(update.getChannelId()); 
                TLAbsMessages messagesEx = kernelComm.getApi().doRpcCall(tlReq);`

but all the time i get exceptions INVALID_CHANNEL_ID or INVALID_CHAT_ID

          ` org.telegram.api.engine.RpcException: CHAT_ID_INVALID`

could you please help me to know why I get this error?

mehdi1602 avatar Nov 27 '16 17:11 mehdi1602

hi amin, could you please let me know how can i download (photo , videos, and all files in general) that is related to a message? in other word how can i work with telegram downloader?

mehdi1602 avatar Apr 20 '17 16:04 mehdi1602