Deepthought copied to clipboard
Create instance TLAbsInputMedia for Send message with document or image file
I really tired create te object TLAbsInputMedia
but i cant send messages with files or images
This is the code I use
TLAbsInputMedia media = new TLInputMediaDocument();
File initialFile = new File("C:\\virtual\\vivian.jpg");
InputStream targetStream = new FileInputStream(initialFile);
media.deserialize(targetStream, null);
kernel.getKernelComm().sendMedia(databaseManager.getUserById(16264778), media);
i think you must follow bellow code
int task = kernel.getKernelComm().getUploader().requestTask("C:\\virtual\\vivian.jpg", null);
int resultState = kernel.getKernelComm().getUploader().getTaskState(task);
Uploader.UploadResult result = kernel.getKernelComm().getUploader().getUploadResult(task);
TLAbsInputFile inputFile;
if (result.isUsedBigFile()) {
inputFile = new TLInputFileBig();
} else {
inputFile = new TLInputFile();
TLAbsInputMedia _media = new TLInputMediaUploadedPhoto(); // for only send image png , jpg not as document
TLAbsInputPeer _peer= (TLAbsInputPeer) new TLInputPeerUser();
((TLInputPeerUser)_peer).setUserId(id); //get user id from your db
((TLInputPeerUser)_peer).setAccessHash(hash); //get user hash from your db
TLRequestMessagesSendMedia request = new TLRequestMessagesSendMedia();
TLUpdates tlUpdates = (TLUpdates) kernel.getKernelComm().getApi().doRpcCall((TLMethod) request);
thank you very much, one question more.
for send xlsx (MS Excel) and pdf files i try use the TLInputMediaUploadedDocument
but doest work.
TLAbsInputMedia _media = new TLInputMediaUploadedDocument ();
((TLInputMediaUploadedDocument )_media).setCaption("caption");
((TLInputMediaUploadedDocument )_media).setFile(inputFile);
for pdf file must change as follow
TLAbsInputMedia _media = new TLInputMediaUploadedDocument();
TLVector<TLAbsDocumentAttribute> attributes = new TLVector<>();
TLDocumentAttributeFilename fileNam = new TLDocumentAttributeFilename();
((TLInputMediaUploadedDocument) _media).setCaption("caption");
((TLInputMediaUploadedDocument) _media).setMimeType("application/pdf");//this based file extension
((TLInputMediaUploadedDocument) _media).setFile(inputFile);
((TLInputMediaUploadedDocument) _media).setAttributes(attributes);
Extension MIME Type
.doc application/msword
.dot application/msword
.docx application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
.dotx application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.template
.docm application/
.dotm application/
.xls application/
.xlt application/
.xla application/
.xlsx application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
.xltx application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.template
.xlsm application/
.xltm application/
.xlam application/
.xlsb application/
.ppt application/
.pot application/
.pps application/
.ppa application/
.pptx application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation
.potx application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.template
.ppsx application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.slideshow
.ppam application/
.pptm application/
.potm application/
.ppsm application/
Hi .
The first time I uploaded an image worked fine but when I try again it does not send anything.
i change the code for
no problem i think this better maybe negative value create problem!
Math.abs(new Random().nextLong())
Works great, thank you very much for the support!!
hi amin1softco one question please.
How to know if the file was sent successfully?
hi edbrik i think with 1-try catch block and 2-stored result in tlUpdates and check read stat with updates recived
if problem occur you may get RPCException and better @rubenlagus say answer really i not member of telegram support 😄
Thanks for your support :D
Hi Amin and edbrik, could you please help me in finding a way to read old messages from a channel or supergroup. for example think that the user want to move and see old messages. how could I have access to old messages?
hi mehdi1602 with argument of TLRequestMessagesGetHistory you can handle this i think .
thanks Amin, I used as below
TLRequestMessagesGetHistory tlReq = new TLRequestMessagesGetHistory();
TLAbsInputPeer _peer = (TLAbsInputPeer) new TLInputPeerChat();
((TLInputPeerChat) _peer).setChatId(update.getChannelId());
TLAbsMessages messagesEx = kernelComm.getApi().doRpcCall(tlReq);`
but all the time i get exceptions INVALID_CHANNEL_ID or INVALID_CHAT_ID
` org.telegram.api.engine.RpcException: CHAT_ID_INVALID`
could you please help me to know why I get this error?
hi amin, could you please let me know how can i download (photo , videos, and all files in general) that is related to a message? in other word how can i work with telegram downloader?