Aleksandr Michuda

Results 20 issues of Aleksandr Michuda

Stata 17 is going to be released with a way to run stata from scripts and with Jupytet magics. Is there any relation between that and your package at all?

Would it be possible to use the capabilities of the language server within markdown files' python code blocks? This would be within .md files or some new file extension so...


Not sure if this falls in line with where you want this package to go, but given the recent slew of papers in the diff-in-diff literature, I was wondering if...


With the addition of Jupyter kernels and showing plots directly from executed code, would there be some way to integrate `codebraid` with [pandoc-fignos]( so that there could be figure captions...


When using inline code, the resulting text shows up in a different font and with quotation marks. Is there a way to get around this behavior? For example: `1+2`{.python .cb.nb...


Looks like `codebraid` might getting plugin for Spyder IDE! Great work on the package!

# Feature: Notebook Editor, Interactive Window, Python Editor cells ## Description Right now, we can only run the interactive window with a standard `.py` file with markdown commented out. It...


Currently, `jupyter-book` uses `sphinxcontrib-bibtex` for creating citation keys in text using the `cite` directive. However, for academic citations (at least for my field) the convention is to use an author,...


when doing nbconvert to PDF for a notebook, the Python Markdown Preprocessor Jupyter extension, runs and renders code in markdown cells. When doing the same with nbpublish, the code isn't...


Stata 17 has the `pystata` package which lets users run Stata from python. Guess who they acknowledged?! I think the package is closed source, so they didn't really follow...