Aleksandr Michuda

Results 28 comments of Aleksandr Michuda

Ah okay, good to know. I didn't check the acknowledgements. At least there's that I guess.

> I was able to integrate the code for this package into pybtex, but there are still two issues I need to resolve: (1) removing the square brackets from the...

> My bracket issue remains, however... Checking the source of `sphinxcontrib-bibtex`, I think it's hard-coded. See issue I opened up here. Assuming I read the code right, it doesn't seem...

> In case it helps, author-year citations of various forms are supported in a very hacky way by my sphinx-astrorefs Sphinx extension: Uhhhh that actually seems kind of **perfect**... How...

> I saw the mcmtroffaes/sphinxcontrib-bibtex#213 PR, but that doesn't allow for the full set of different citation commands that I need. Agreed, but that PR would be able to help...

Some really cool news from `sphinxcontrib-bibtex`:

That's already been working for a while now. At least in my experience, you just need to set the stata kernel and everything works pretty straightforwardly.

@hozdenoren if you mean, whether it will work like Hydrogen, then no. it won't inline. But it does work within the standard `vscode-jupyter` experience, where you get a jupyter notebook...

Not a developer, but I think since the stata kernel is technically installed within your python environment, you need to have python chosen to actually run the stata. When you...

I second that!