Aaron Thornburgh

Results 8 comments of Aaron Thornburgh

@hughns here are 2 options for the Settings UI about managing your account... 1. Option 1 - Dedicated menu item in left rail takes you directly to the external web...

Also, "Continue" for the SSO button label is fine :)

There was no visited link state, but there is now: [https://www.figma.com/file/rTaQE2nIUSLav4Tg3nozq7/Compound-Web-Components?type=design&node-id=645-3494&mode=design&t=eQijQHb8p7h9eFw0-4](https://www.figma.com/file/rTaQE2nIUSLav4Tg3nozq7/Compound-Web-Components?type=design&node-id=645-3494&mode=design&t=eQijQHb8p7h9eFw0-4)

Correct @daniellekirkwood - there is no longer a drop-down menu from the room header. Click to expand the right sidebar only.

@kerryarchibald Here are the deltas I found between develop.element.io vs. the design... **Room Header** - Order of buttons on the right should be Video Call, Voice Call, Threads, Facepile -...

@kerryarchibald @nadonomy @Johennes > - Cannot click to enlarge avatar from header; opens details instead > - Happy to defer to @americanrefugee on this. I see no value in clicking...

There are only a few places we're using checkboxes: - [Notifications > Email summary](https://www.figma.com/design/qTWRfItpO3RdCjnTKPu4mL/Settings?node-id=145-35786&t=k4ZYjSvGtLS63YEB-4): Multi-select list of emails - [Sidebar > Spaces to show > Home](https://www.figma.com/design/qTWRfItpO3RdCjnTKPu4mL/Settings?node-id=608-78459&t=k4ZYjSvGtLS63YEB-4): "Show all rooms" is...