Results 6 issues of AME

i have use this make the Xcode8 to XcodeGr8 and i add the uuid to plugins but it also not work

Swift4.0 support~

1.clean your xcode - 清理你的xcode ------------ make sure your xcode is pure 确保你的xocde是纯净的 2.resign your Xcode(important step) -resign你的Xcode(重要步骤) --------------- use this way to resign your Xcode (thanks to the...

我用了这个,解锁了我的xcode8 然后升级了uuid给插件 插件可以生成模型,但是默认的快捷键^↑j不能用,按完之后显示一个怪异的字符

不知道是我使用的不对,还是怎样。 粗略搜索了一下您的源码, 似乎这两个属性在代码中没去实现它。

I had resign my Xcode9 and load KSImageName bundle. When I input [UIImage imageNamed:] code in Xcode9 ,The plugin is not auto import the image but the normal class or...