ESJsonFormat-Xcode copied to clipboard
the way to use ESJsonFormat on xcode8.0+
1.clean your xcode - 清理你的xcode
make sure your xcode is pure 确保你的xocde是纯净的
2.resign your Xcode(important step) -resign你的Xcode(重要步骤)
use this way to resign your Xcode (thanks to the author of XVim)
使用这个方法来resign你的Xcode (感谢XVim的作者提供这个方法) the ESJsonFormat zip file - 下载ESJsonFormat的zip文件
download the ESJsonFormat zip file and open it's project in Xcode and run. 下载zip文件并在xcode里打开并运行
4.add uuid - 添加uuid
use the under code in terminal. if your xcode path or name change please change the code also.
find ~/Library/Application\ Support/Developer/Shared/Xcode/Plug-ins -name Info.plist -maxdepth 3 | xargs -I{} defaults write {} DVTPlugInCompatibilityUUIDs -array-add `defaults read /Applications/ DVTPlugInCompatibilityUUID`
在命令行中用这行代码执行 如果你的Xcode路径更换过,请一并修改代码
5.restart your Xcode - 重启你的Xcode
you will see a alert. choose load bundle on left 你将会看到一个提示,选择左边的load bundle.
6.enjoy - 快谢谢我吧!
: ) 哈哈哈哈哈哈
BTW: the shortcuts (^+shift+J) may not available 顺便说,快捷键是不好用的
但是得提醒一下 装了插件的Xcode是不用打包的哦 所以最好复制一个Xcode装插件