Anselm McClain
Anselm McClain
`GridModel` supports a `clicksToExpand` prop, but it is only applied when `treeMode == true`. We wanted this to work for a simple grouped grid (full width grouping rows). (More specifically,...
You can see this in our Toolbox example - We don't have switches on this example to turn on/off row hover highlights, but it is *off* by default and...
I was in a bit of a rush when I first put in this ticket, but I believe the issue is that: ``` class MyModel extends HoistModel { @persist.with({prefKey: 'faveNumber'})...
Spotted by @pauldelano on Google Flights - when looking at a list of faceted values, an "Only" option appears when hovered. Clicking causes that value to be selected and all...
We make frequent and direct use of the Blueprint Dialog out of `kit`. There are some concrete issues with this: * In general we want to avoid needing to go...
with internal scrolling of dialog body
It does not, you see a mask on the panel underneath - not optimal, especially if a category change is not instantaneous. We want the UI feedback here to be...
Client request after an important role was inadvertently deleted in production. We currently show a confirm with the role name included, but request is to have admin also type out...
Currently spec'd as a boolean only, could be upgraded to `Thunkable`, supporting a closure that would be passed `FetchOptions` for a given request to determine if an ID should be...