Anselm McClain
Anselm McClain
Thought this might be a drop-in upgrade as changes in looked minimal, but I believe something might have changed with their default exports. Needs a bit of a closer...
It would be useful to have a few examples of websocket-powered push notifications generally available for review and testing, and I think the Admin Console client could be a place...
Our type for `Column.cellClassRules` references `ColumnCellClassRuleFn` which is a function that specs and arg of type AG-provided `CellClassParams` That includes a number of params - notable `column/colDef` that are...
A grid with a number of cols marked as `filterable:true` enables filtering on all of those columns without any other GridModel config. But if you need to e.g. provide a...
Currently our `select` input emits `null` when empty, as is standard. However when `enableMulti` is true, it might be more natural / expect (or even required by APIs) to emit...
Extra `<div>` wrapper around `DateInput` DOM prevents setting className, styles on outermost element
The desktop DateInput component renders with an outer `` element that does not take the `className` or `style` props passed to the component - Often classNames or styles are...
The underlying react-dropzone that powers this component can be configured to reject files based on type and size, both of which are exposed as options in our API within `FileChooserProps`....
This should play very well with our own use of CSS vars in Hoist, and should help us have more robust and easier to maintain / override styles:
From Slack: > We have a use case where we want to format numbers (interest rates) out to a high precision (6-8), but only want to zeroPad them out to...