Amar Al-Zubaidi

Results 57 issues of Amar Al-Zubaidi

#### environment - neovim: 0.7.2 - vim-airline: latest git master - OS: Gentoo GNU/Linux - Have you reproduced with a minimal vimrc: yes - What is your airline configuration: I...

I changed "\_highly\_" to "highly". I am not sure if that was a typo or intentional but it looks weird. Also, the name "Portage" should be capitalized in my opinion....

I am using [nvim-lspconfig]( and [nvim-cmp]( for Language Server Protocol completion. How can I use RobloxLsp to autocomplete with my setup?

When opening Neovim without arguments and without this plugin, I can see the start screen. With this plugin, I see it only for a millisecond and then it disappears. I...

First, you can use `source` without arguments to source the current buffer. As for Lua, it is better to use actual Lua code than calling Vim from Lua.


It makes sense to also delete leading blank lines, not just trailing blank lines. The only problem with my implementation is this: If the plugin deletes trailing blank lines, it...

I posted a [topic]( on Posit Community asking if it is possible to use the starred version of a LaTeX environment with custom blocks. The answer I got was that...

theme: lua

Since vim-json and vim-toml are not needed in Vim or Neovim anymore, I removed all mentions of them in any file. It didn't allow me to push changes of `.github/workflows/vader.yml`.