Brandon Taylor

Results 16 comments of Brandon Taylor

[Day & Zimmermann]( for an internal management application via my freelance company: [Also, I Code]( Nest + MongoDB with an Angular UI.

Thank you for the quick answer. I'll take a look at that pre-React version as soon as I can. It would be super if the library could be used with...

I have a similar issue trying to use the plugin with Angular 4. No matter how I reference `NativeStorage` it is always `undefined`.

To fix: ```bash rm -rf node_modules rm package-lock.json npm cache clean --force npm i -g npm-check-updates ncu -u npm install ```

Morning @ChrisCrossCrash to be perfectly transparent and honest, I have no idea :) I've been pretty far removed from any Python or Django development for several years. I'm super slammed,...

Thanks @StoicLoofah I'm not sure the maintainer has looked at this project in a while.

I think the owner of this repo needs to hand it off to someone else to maintain. It's been months since there was any activity on master and I doubt...

@fabiocaccamo I saw that the other day. Nice work!

Same problem for me with Angular 14.2.1 and Monaco editor 0.34.0