@will-stone I do apologize for the delayed answer, I was and am currently busy in my day-to-day life. --- > I have been wondering if we could join forces to...
> we got a puppy @will-stone Cute! ...and since the internet always needs more puppy pictures, care to share some? :D
@eyoosuf see the [`source`](https://github.com/nimbupani/nimbupani.github.com/tree/source) branch.
> Here's their .htaccess file: > https://github.com/h5bp/html5-boilerplate/blob/master/.htaccess @sergeychernyshev the new location is https://github.com/h5bp/server-configs-apache.
@Malvoz Want to open a PR to fix this? Thanks!
> Are you planning to define it @laukstein Sorry, I don't quite understand your question. Can you be more specific? What are you referring to by "it"? If you are...
> Does [config.ts#L33-L38](https://github.com/sonarwhal/sonarwhal/blob/015d53e4b0a1a384e4929ebdbbce5d85a9fa6af4/src/lib/config.ts#L33-L38) applies also to online scanner? No. As [previously stated](https://github.com/sonarwhal/sonarwhal/issues/666#issuecomment-345844980), the online scanner does not yet support configurations. > how would look the config file when scanning the...
> Tell users how to use `@sonarwhal/sonar` Maybe a short message, and just make the CLI part a link that points to the appropriate documentation.
Also seeing the preview of the optimized version(s) as different options (plugins) are enabled / disabled would be useful. :)
> Also seeing the preview of the optimized version(s) as different options (plugins) are enabled / disabled would be useful. :) @jakearchibald made a [web GUI for SVGO](https://jakearchibald.github.io/svgomg/).