Alroy Sugiarto Haryono
Alroy Sugiarto Haryono
Can i get your id line?
@SupraMKIV can you help me? please contact me LINE ID : alroysh
Can you help me fix my bot ? @anysz @BloodySenpai
@R-N can you upload your script on your github??
@fadhiilrachman can you help me to create new Line Library? my line id : alroysh . please help me
@Nilpo why TalkException is not defined? 
@zxchidden @Nilpo i try import `from curve.ttypes import TalkException` but still error. Error :  i try change TalkException to Exception but the same
@R-N can you upload new scirpt??
@Nilpo i was done import TalkException , but still error..