LINE copied to clipboard
Line update, what do we do now?
Has anyone formulated a work around yet?
Me and some other does, cant expain here, its too dangerous
@anysz what's a good way to contact you?
Assuming you've got it working before.
comment out anything with _in (client_in, transport_in, etc)
in ready(self), change self.transport = THttpClient(self.LINE_HTTP_URL) to self.transport = THttpClient(self.LINE_HTTP_IN_URL)
make a copy of self.transport = ...,, self.protocol = ..., self.client = ..., in ready(self), and add _out to em (transport_out, etc), then change: self.transport_out = THttpClient(self.LINE_HTTP_IN_URL) to self.transport_out = THttpClient(self.LINE_HTTP_OUT_URL)
Make POST requests (or just anything that should send notification) use client_out instead (ex. sendMessage)
change tokenLogin(self) to just def tokenLogin(self): -----ready()
in login(self) change self.transport = THttpClient(self.LINE_HTTP_URL) to if self.authToken is None: ----self.transport = THttpClient(self.LINE_HTTP_URL) else: ----self.transport = THttpClient(self.LINE_HTTP_IN_URL)
Pardon the '-'s, I meant spaces.
Ref #127 , #65
@R-N Can you link me the actual code. This is confusing.
@R-N is explaining about how to login with authToken.
@anysz I know this was never a problem before I'm wondering why he edited it
Stop being gay @anysz
@anysz hey, I know you
Which part confuse you? Who edited what?
My bot can't login since yesterday, but before can. Has anyone can help?
I know why @anysz can't show. Line is cracking down fast on any kind of fixes. We need to be careful what we put out there after finding a new fix.
Obviously we need to collaborate despite that, so maybe a closed discussion group?
@R-N May I ask you the code hint for your step# 4 ? >>Make POST requests (or just anything that should send notification) use client_out instead (ex. sendMessage)
Also, I get the error when the script runs your step 6.
if self.authToken is None: ----self.transport = THttpClient.THttpClient(self.LINE_HTTP_URL) else: ----self.transport = THttpClient.THttpClient(self.LINE_HTTP_IN_URL)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "
I found the tokens created before July 30 are still working fine with previous
Line made their move.
Anyone want to contact me just chat me. <:)>
This afternoon my authToken expired. Not sure if Line 'did' it or it was just normal expiration. But then I get Internal Error code=20 when logging in with email. Maybe Line made their move just like @BloodySenpai said.
@Mari2928 In, some method will send notification to user. For example, sendMessage, acceptGroupInvitation, inviteIntoGroup/Room, kickFromGroup, etc. Those should use S4 (_client_out) if you want them to send notification. I don't know if P4 worked for those too. TalkService worked but never send notification. Though now none works for me, lol.
@R-N I see. Thank you for the information. My token (issued one month ago) is still valid and works sending messages, but the tokens for my friends which were issued 2 days ago became invalid today. I hope there is any solution for going forward...
You're welcome. By the way maybe we can just use both P4 and S4 in one CurveClient by providing P4 protocol for iprot and S4 protocol for oprot. Can't test tho.
@R-N I did what you said but i get this error
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "
oh. never mind. I just noticed that you said after your authtoken expired you couldnt log in because of the new line update. I thought that was a work around you posted.
@R-N can you upload your script on your github??
It doesnt even work right now
@alroysh: This line api is still working with the current version as of today. I can send messages as usual now. The problem is that we can't get a new token now. Some people tokens became invalid because maybe their desktop logins were automatically logged out while their line apps were being updated.I think we don't need to figure out how to login with token, but just need to find a way to get a new token.
I got it working but I can't tell how here. I'm quite certain it can be easily patched. My hint is to look at purple-line on altrepo, and try to make things similar starting from the easiest thing you can think of.
By the way, using HTTP_IN for iprot and HTTP_OUT for oprot on the same client doesnt work lole. Getting EOF ERROR.
Also, it's actually possible to pool the CurveClients lol. I think that speed things up for me.
@R-N Oh have you succeeded to get a new token after the line update?
I have a problem too. I try to edit follow above comment,but I still login failed. Could you please help to summary solution for solve issue about 'Internal error' and "'LineClient' object has no attribute 'authToken'" Thank you for advised.
I can login now, could get a authToken
Still same Internal Error on mine. Have you logged in with LINE ID and password and then get a token?