Also happens on X9D+. Not specific for 2.3.14, happens in earlier versions also.
It wasn't marked as fixed, please keep it open till it's being added to the todo list.
The issue is related to ACCST v1 firmware, with ACCST v2.1 the issue does not occur as can be read in: It could be a choice to make the...
The issue is related to ACCST v1 and it does not happen in ACCST v2.1 as can be read here:
Are you sure it's an official OpenTX 2.3.15 version that you used? The date is kind of weird, October 2nd 2022? Official release was from 2022-04-22, therefore 2022-10-02 is weird....
In other cases upgrading the XJT firmware to version 2.1.x solved the issue, I'm using a X9D+ myself with OpenTX 2.3.15 and ACCST v2.1.0 LBT firmware. I have no issues...