Vladimir Jimenez

Results 73 issues of Vladimir Jimenez

[Tanks exploding on flag capture happens client-side](https://github.com/BZFlag-Dev/bzflag/blob/94af4729ea11497fd547833158ccfda4b925b614/src/bzflag/playing.cxx#L2700-L2702) meaning we can't make use of the [`killTeam`](https://github.com/BZFlag-Dev/bzflag/blob/94af4729ea11497fd547833158ccfda4b925b614/include/bzfsAPI.h#L1224) boolean in the `bz_AllowCTFCaptureEventData_V1`. Telling tanks to explode should be dictated by the server, in...


As a reminder... > One of my low-priority todo items is to replace character arrays with std::string to help ensure that there are no overflows we have overlooked. > -...

help wanted

Handling of group permissions needs to be revisited for 2.6.x and here are things that are to be done. Feel free to add more requirements/tasks. - [ ] Handle custom...


Currently, the `bz_eGetWorldEvent` allows you change the map the bzfs instance without killing the actual process but the event does not parse the options block to update the respective settings....


As per my discussion with blast, it would be nice to support a modern data format such as JSON at least in the API to replace the current .ini format...


Move the self-destruct process to the server or at least have the client use a BZDB variable for the self destruct countdown. For instance, in an obstacle course map an...


On page load, an element can have both the `data-loading` attribute **and** a `class`. When an AJAX event is sent, the element correctly becomes visible to the user. However, when...

I've included the `ux-live-component` library as specified in the README with having my package.json have the filepath to the vendor folder. ``` "@symfony/ux-live-component": "file:vendor/symfony/ux-live-component/assets", ``` I happen not to have...

Welp, here we go again! The [`v1.6.x-dev`](https://packagist.org/packages/mikey179/vfsstream#v1.6.x-dev) version available via Composer now has support for PHP 8.2 nightly (which is currently in development). We have added PHP 8.2 to our...

Following up on https://github.com/bovigo/vfsStream/pull/188#issuecomment-485628718, I propose we implement a blacklist of characters. For example, `/` is now blacklisted after #188. But the `:` character is also invalid on macOS and...

feedback required