Alistair Johnson

Results 112 comments of Alistair Johnson

The APS var table only has variables in the acute physiology score. PaO2 is in the overall APACHE equation, so it's in the pred var table:

Oh I see you are looking for AaDO2! I wasn't familiar with calling it P(A-a)O2. Not sure where it is - @obadawi ?

Sorry I haven't reviewed the PR yet, but hopefully I will find time to soon!

I've never actually used the `bedcount` column. But this is the type of thing you can get an idea about by cross-referencing tables in the dataset. If you get the...

It's a drop down list of active treatments - so you can imagine the nurse was continually recording the presence of the intra-aortic balloon pump until the final record, when...

I don't know the data generation process well enough to 100% confirm, but I would imagine that means the IABP was removed in both cases.

Yep, this is absolutely something to deal with before analysis. If you've developed any data cleaning code that you could contribute (maybe to pivoted_vital?) that would be great!

Please see #49 - just re-raised it from a separate repository that we have deprecated, but haven't fully migrated the issues over yet. This doesn't answer your question but it's...

Always an interest! I think we should convert this repo to bigquery but I haven't gotten around to it. Probably simpler than what I did for mimic-code though. So I'd...

As you rightly point out, many of these values are unphysiological (obviously no one is breathing 1000% oxygen). These are often documentation errors. Common error patterns include: * typos, e.g....