Syed Ali Shahbaz

Results 162 comments of Syed Ali Shahbaz

Yes @PeerRich In fact, it's already being worked on. This is a common theme for caldav calendars because of the way tsdav functions. I've already been in touch with Nate(creator...

Hey @Kaminoan-Dev We're still working on the issue. We have a call with the maker of tsDAV this week and we hope to resolve the issue soon after.

We have also narrowed it down enough to a behavior where all the events for a day are detected if there is at least one event that exists on...

@hiramfromthechi okay. Let's get this resolved then 🙌 Can you do the following and then share here? 1. Remove the connected calendars and add them again. 2. Create a

Thank you for the fresh report. I’ll try to identify and resolve this soon. 🙏

Fix merged earlier, somehow didn't auto close

@jdaviescoates Accepted your call request. We'll have a go at it during our scheduled call 🙌

Hey @jdaviescoates, the fix is in review. You can keep track [here]( Thanks for providing access to speed this up :)

Hey @jdaviescoates It should be live on Monday/Tuesday. And I would keep the test account just in case you find any issues. 🙏 Please also note that currently when cancelling...

Hey @jdaviescoates it was merged yesterday so you definitely shouldn't be seeing that issue now. Could you please retest and maybe share a loom video? 🙏