what is the username and password for memtester OS installed through berryboot?
It would be good to have an appimage for go-for-it Actually i found there is one : but it would be better to have an appimage as part of...
Hi, Would be great for 3d printing to have the ability to export to .stl
Hello. I was testing scalpel on my raspberry pi file server. First, i installed it with sudo apt-get install scalpel (it installed 1.60 fine) but when executing scalpel, it will...
can there be a way of issuing commands to x-tile while it is still opened and / or in systray? when an already opened instance is running, and i run...
The following warning appears while launching x-tile: `libc.prctl not available, the process name will be python and not x-tile` i tried by manually issuing commands in python3, here is what...
At compiling the project, there are many errors related to char* to char[] It is easily fixed by casting: error(EXIT_OTHER_ERROR, errno, "failed to allocate memory"); Replaced with: error(EXIT_OTHER_ERROR, errno, (char*)"failed...
Hello, can you state what is the exact ESP32 model used in this board? From the pictures, it seems to be ESP-WROOM-32 which might translate to ESP32-D0WDQ6 ? Is it...