Alex Pickering
Alex Pickering
Hi I noticed that `to_graph` in `dataset/` doesn't use the 7th channel (distance matrix). I presume this is related to this line in your paper: > Since some models cannot...
The slider range isn't set by `searchCols` when `server=TRUE`. **Example**: ```R library(shiny) library(DT) dt
Would be great to see support for the new [s3 select]( Thank you for the great software!
Thanks for the great package, Is it possible to account for sample identity in comparison analyses? Results seem to be steered by individual samples. For example this is the setup...
To reproduce, get rApache to run a script with the following: ```R mailR::send.mail( from = '', to = "", replyTo = "", subject = "Subject of the email", body =...
here is the full output: ```bash [12/Jun/2020 16:16:54] INFO - Xie Chao's HLA typing algorithm [12/Jun/2020 16:16:54] INFO - Sample_id: 09KTG_TGACCA Input file: ./results/mapped_reads/09KTG_TGACCA.bam parameters: DELETE=false FULL=false Extracting reads...
- updates most R packages - init Seurat v5 support (closes #205)
Following the vignette, I keep getting error `Error in .subset2(x, i, exact = exact) : subscript out of bounds`: ```R library(Seurat) library(SeuratData) options(Seurat.object.assay.version = "v5") pbmc3k ```