Hi, I'm having the same issue. I'm running Windows 10, using Chrome Version 91.0.4472.106 (64-bit) and Screenity 2.7.4 In the extension settings I can choose my cam amongst the available...
Thanks a lot! That solved it. But now I'm getting a "404 - Page not found". I tried to load these 3 URLs (with and without the `.htaccess` file) in...
I can´t find any `config.php` file in my folder or even in your repository.
> The config.php file is created when you first access the page. It's not creating the file when I access it for the first time. I deleted everything from the...
> Hmm, do you have the .htaccess file enabled for your host? Yes. :-\\ .htaccess is working fine in my other websites hosted in the same server.
Hi raphaelgoetter, You asked: Why would it be uncompatible? It would be incompatible because Emmet creates "code" with all strings. Even the ones it does not know. If you type...