Alex Jover

Results 30 comments of Alex Jover

It seems like somehow I missed to add the right packages and types over there

Hey @juristr! This PR has a dependency on, that's why is failing since the spyOn is not in the @types. As soon as that PR get's merged I'll update...

That's very interesting. @ikatyang do you think it could be a good idea to merge this library with eslint-config-prettier after that? You created a great setup in this lib that...

Hi @michaelvcolianna and everyone. Good news, just pushed the fix for this 🚀 Please upgrade to latest version v4.3.0 and it should work.

@alvarosabu thanks a lot for this amazing PR 😉 It perfectly solves the new Nuxt 3 changes and the issue about the `#app`. I see that tests might need some...

Hi @m0zz094 thanks for this issue! I'm curious about this, because StoryblokComponent is a basic wrapper of `component` as you can see Have you investigated this further?

@manuelschroederdev keeping you on the loop

Hey @alvarosabu! Thanks a lot for opening this issue, @Baroshem also suggested it, and feels like the way to go. Actually, that's something I worked on already in branch

Hi all! Let me give some info about the issue. @codeflorist as I've tried in Webpack mode (`vite: false` in nuxt.config.js) works fine by Nuxt CLI v3.0.0-27338323.1e98259. For the `#app`...

Hi @mtskf, I think this is more an issue with Nuxt 3 than our SDK. By today, Nuxt 3 static generation feature is still under development so we cannot...