Alex Watt
Alex Watt
I am implementing HTML emails for a project and noticed that although the email body templates end in .html, they are actually used as text templates. I think the ideal...
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** I've got a field definition with `extras: [:lookahead]` that does something like this: ``` do_extra_thing = llookahead&.selections&.any? do |sel| [:field_1,...
I wanted to use the `AuthorizeNetCim#get_customer_profile` method in a project and noticed the API [supports getting a profile with the `merchantCustomerId` or `email`]( in addition to the `customerProfileId`, so I...
### Describe the change I noticed that `#current=` failed for indeterminate progress bars. The primary test I added would error like this: ``` ArgumentError: comparison of NilClass with 5 failed...
It took me a bit when I first started using Speedscope to understand the "total" vs. "self" distinction, and I've heard the same from others. I thought it might be...
I'm not sure if I missed it, but I didn't see an explanation of colors in the README. I'm actually not totally sure I have this right (haven't checked the... had to check for Ruby >= 2.1.0, but maybe this is a good time to bump the Ruby version in the library and cut a release? (I also noticed...
Thank you for this gem! I've recently started using it to analyze a system. I'm curious about GC pause reporting. In the screenshot below, a particular thread is shown as...