Alex Watt
Alex Watt
@rmosolgo I have a note to check on this after we're able to upgrade to 2.0.14. Do you want to close this for now? The fix looks promising.
We could even do both: Let the user provide a .html or .txt version, but also write a new method that returns just the EmailMessage instance. They could then override...
@bpollack Thank you for all the feedback; I know my style needs improvement and I love that open source projects allow learning like that :) I pushed another commit a...
@piotrmurach The errors now focus on "numeric" instead of a particular class. Let me know what you think!
@piotrmurach I've made that small change for consistency
@piotrmurach let me know if you want me to do anything else to make this mergeable
@jlfwong I just opened this and #417 and would love any feedback you have. I use Speedscope almost daily, thanks for an awesome tool!