Alessandro Sofia
Alessandro Sofia
EDIT: the config file is correct and I'm able to set the OP state. For some reason the config file it was being launched wasn't updated. Anyway now when I...
Hi there, the working configuration file for me was: zeroerror_config.yaml ``` # Configuration file for ZERO ERR drive vendor_id: 0x5A65726F product_id: 0x00029252 assign_activate: 0x003c auto_fault_reset: true rpdo: - index: 0x1600...
Hi @JensVanhooydonck! I tried adding the Mode of operation using - {index: 0x6061, sub_index: 0, type: uint8 } as you suggested, but this makes the motor go into preop error...
@JensVanhooydonck by hardcoding 8 as mode_of_operation_display_ i am able to move it. What's a clean way to solve this? 😅
Ok never mind, I wrote too soon ahah. I am able to set it from the tpdo config but CiA402D_TPDO_MODE_OF_OPERATION_DISPLAY is a uint16! For whoever is watching, the correct config...
Thanks again for your help 😁 Time permitting I'll also try a more robust approach!
@brennand, I initially started with a configuration file I had written for another Chinese actuator (Maxon and others share the same address). I subsequently modified it to suit the new...
Hi there, I'll be updating the public repo on my profile as soon I'll be able to work again on it. In the meantime I can tell you that I...
I am closing this, as there is an official repo now from @ZeroErrControl. I have opensourced the code I've been using too.