Caleb Maclennan

Results 2011 comments of Caleb Maclennan

I really do appreciate the issue cleanup, but I've referenced this issue as recently as this month. Ravi isn't particularly interesting at this point, but Luau is. I still plan...

This is definitely not completed, but I'll call it a duplicate of discussions scattered over #493, #1337, and #1692. Right our our overall user and package specific documentation is much-improved,...

Interestingly I'm not sure *any* of the examples show here are actually just problems with the defaults allowing overflows. They are pushback bugs or other problematic bits, but #1755 has...

Please don't post screen shots of terminal stuff, I can barely read this. Copy and paste please! It makes it both readable and searchable. Also this seems to be a...

> I don't have the time for now, but it needs a Pull Request to luasec to allow wrapping tcp over tcp, The LuaSec project has recently been migrated to...

This project has serious issues with testing and we need to work up a way to make Busted setup and tear down some server and client processes. A proxy would...

I thought there was but I couldn't find to link in my last comment. Feel free to open one!

@Tieske This branch was mistakenly and unfortunately opened against my fork's default branch (rookie mistake I know). Would you mind giving it a once-over so we can decide to move...

If you are using a Lua VM that has `require()` and all external module loading plus `io.` and `os.` internal modules disabled then this project can't help you. Get a...

Duplicate of #115.