Caleb Maclennan

Results 1654 comments of Caleb Maclennan

Yes I've tested all the scenarios mentioned. I've been using this since 2015 and use all four scenarios on a daily basis. I had to re-code the logic a little...

Thanks @jeffwidman, you caught me at a computer this time (since the issues isn't assigned to me it wasn't really staying on my radar!). I've added some documentation to the...

@jeffwidman Thanks for your patience. My logic did in fact slip a cog somewhere, this needs to be a 4 stage fallback not a 3 stage fallback. 1. env variable...

I would highly recommend you modify your own workflow to use `makechrootpkg` instead of `makepkg`. You'll get namcap linting and other checks as part of the deal. If you want...

Also the output of `namcap` is hardly authoritative (I say this as one of the upstream maintainers). For example it may return an error for missing dependencies in `-debug` packages...

> * Hard-coding the URI in the script feels like a good practice to follow, since it makes it explicit what host/protocol the script intends to connect to. It also...

First of all, this *is* using Git remotes—just one default one. One reason not to mess with adding more for different access methods / hosts is dealing with subtrees is...

That's possible, but how do I fix it? Usually when that happens I can `aurpublish -p` to completely reset the subtree, then cherry pick any later commits back into place...

What if I accidentally rebased local commits after pushing to AUR? How do I get back to a workable situation where my local work is on top of what the...

Given the readme already has a couple different sets of instructions it's probably appropriate to add this info there too.