Caleb Maclennan

Results 1654 comments of Caleb Maclennan

This is looking good so far as it goes. > It didn't allow me to push changes of `.github/workflows/vader.yml`. I don't understand this. You're pushing to your own fork it...

Great, one step closer. Now we just need to figure out why CI isn't happy about this.

I don't think we can do this by default without creating problems for many people. There are lots or R specific plugins and many of them do not play nice...

```viml au BufRead,BufNewFile *.rmd set ft markdown ``` If you have *other* rmd related stuff you want to use and don't want to just pretend they are filetype markdown then...

See comment in that covers why we don't know whether this should be merged directly or not. The discussion about what Markdown flavor we are even targeting needs to...

Also just for the record these two PRs are not duplicates, one addresses the syntax rules and one addresses the header level handling rules. Both should be merged, modified, or...

Not related to your issue, but a Markdown tip: use fencted code blocks to enter markdown code that doesn't get rendered by Github as Markdown: ```markdown ‌```markdown * Markdown list...

As best I can make out the current from-scratch way to build this independently looks like this (or will when #13 is merged): ```sh autoreconf --install ./configure make ``` `aclocal`...

@snan Right, packaging this separately from SILE is not easy. It can be done, but right now we kind of just assume it is bundled as part of the SILE...

This hard pinning of versions goes back all the way to 02f26cd and has no apparent rational there either.