Aleksi Lassila

Results 45 comments of Aleksi Lassila

Should be fixed in 3.0

That's interesting, hopefully it's resolved in the latest version of the printer. If not, please reopen the issue.

I included your solution in the printer rewrite I'm currently doing, thank you for your solution. Gonna merge by hand since the files changed so drastically.

Unfortunately seems a bit out of the scope of the project currently, I don't see when I would have the time to implement this.

👍 Thanks for maintaining this. Will close the issue

I've addressed this in 3.0, though I haven't done much testing on servers, so I don't know if it gets some of the rotations wrong on high speeds. If it...

If this is still not fixed in the 3.0 I am very unhappy.

These are planned for the next major update 👍

Yep, I'm actually working on this next for the rework