Aleksi Lassila

Results 45 comments of Aleksi Lassila

Is there some kind of benefits from doing that? Seems like just extra work

Okay, haven't used mod managers myself but that is a good point. I should look into it next time I do a release

Still planning on putting it on curseforge, but feel free to create a Modrinth for the project since I don't see myself updating the mod in more websites than github...

Is this happening on a specific server that has anticheat enabled perhaps? Do you have the latest version of printer? Does lowering your printing speed help?

I'll look into that. In the meantime, it would be helpful if you were able to figure out how to reliably reproduce the piston issue. If it happens randomly when...

I'll look into this when I get home. Do you know the plugin that does these facing checks? Also, try setting the placement speed to slower and see if they...

Could you provide some more details? For example, do you see the mod settings in the bottom of litematica's settings? What version of the game and mod you're using?

If that's the case, then it has something to do with your fabric setup / litematica. Follow their instructions to get litematica working first, and then add the printer into...

I've decided that placing entities such as mobs, minecarts, itemframes or armor stands is out of scope of the project due to technical details. Sorry!