Alejandro Casanovas

Results 265 comments of Alejandro Casanovas

Yes just store into a BytesIO object the `attachment.content`. You will need to decode from base64 I think `base64.b64decode(attachment.content)`

You can copy the token and use it... I don't know man this is up to you.

> Hi @janscas - I have a similar question. > > I already have a token, so don't need to run through the authentication portion of the 0365 library. What...

Not implemented as far as I know.

Check the Ms Graph docs. If there's an endpoint to retrieve all sites you have access to you can submit a PR adding that. Thanks

You can access the body just with msg.body. That's what the api returns. But you have a helper method called `get_body_text` if the body type is text it just returns...

try this: ```python mailbox = self.account.mailbox() messages = mailbox.get_messages(limit=None) ``` Also note that messages will be a Pagination object: you need to iterate over as it's will retrieve messages in...

The previous line is: `body = cloud_data.get(cc('body'), {})` So if there's no body in the json, then body should be an empty dict. I don't understand right now how `body`...