Alejandro Casanovas

Results 265 comments of Alejandro Casanovas

It is possible but I don't have the time right now. You can however send a PR.

The `account_enabled` property is not returned by default. You must "select" it with the `` method.

Not planned for the moment

For the moment downloading a file requires an actual file on disk, but the code can be easely changed so it can write to a BytesIO object, so all will...

The user you use should have access to those calendars.

I have no clue... sorry

I have no clue... I've never seen this error. The fact that is a 403 error is strange. I've read on google that this could be caused by some special...

This is more related on to how to use python Enums but: You can use the Enum value or the Enum itself: `event.show_as("free")` or `event.show_as(EventShowAs.Free)`

either you don't have access to '[email protected]' or you don't have the admin consent.

It seems that the token file stored is malformed. Try to delete it, authenticate again and don't touch the file manually. It should work without issues.