Alejandro Casanovas

Results 265 comments of Alejandro Casanovas

Maybe `my_drives[0]` is not your one drive... Try `storage.get_default_drive()`

No, for me the default drive is onedrive. Try looking into each drive files to see which one is onedrive. If none is onedrive maybe some permission is not well...

Don’t call `_update_attachments_to_cloud()` use `save_draft()` instead. save draft will call update attachments to cloud.

I don't know what happens here. It worked before. I don't have the time right now to check this nor fix it. I'll label this as a bug for the...

Not O365 related but I think this is what happens: It's something that happens when using certain console and when the text overflows the screen. After pasting the url But...

I've never used that so I can't say Don't know what limitations GCP airflow have.

maybe something changed in requests_oauthlib, don't know right now

@davidism a little bit late but ok! Solved in Thanks