Alberto V M
Alberto V M
My Smartthings Scenes are not appearing in Homekit, after update from 2.0 to latest plugin version. I am not sure if it is a new feature, or if I am...
Hello, This model of Tuya lock could be compatible with ST? emitting event: {"attribute_id":"basicHtml","capability_id":"amberpiano10217.deviceinfo","component_id":"main","state":{"value":" Model TY0A01 Manufacturer _TYST12_srptwvak NetworkId 0x00D0 Zigbee EUI A46DD4FFFE21320D ZCL Version 3 APP Version 88 Server...
I have an old Iomega NAS with Transmission 2.77 (14031), but block list is not working. I did all the steps, but no rule is applied. Is there anything that...