I hope it's me being stupid, but I can't work out how to provide my own `HttpMessageHandler`. My use-case is I have created an implementation of `HttpMessageHandler` that sends and...
`ALTER TABLE [vf].[v_matter] REBUILD ;` `FAILED : 46518The feature 'ALTER TABLE' is not supported with external tables.` It bashes on past this, but obviously the script then ends in the...
Anti-Semi-Join against sys.external_tables on matching object_id to exclude External Tables Also fix for ignoring TVFs - the [type] column is a 1 or 2 letter code, 'TF' for Table Valued...
I want to declare a variable of type IHasher in my TypeScript code, but it's declared in WASMInterface.ts and although that builds to /dist/lib/WASMInterface.d.ts, it's not exported in /lib/index.ts so...
Removed tonnes of unnecessary and unwanted binaries, build output and local folders from previous commit Upgraded to .NET 4.8.1 Transitioned from packages.config to PackageReference - see [Migrate from packages.config to...