Alan Alickovic

Results 12 comments of Alan Alickovic

Hey, In `Elements` we have components that would belong to a design system such as Buttons, Links, etc. Maybe `Elements` should be changed to something like `ui`, but that is...

Hi there, Q: "Can I import the types defined in TypeScript, since they are not features themselves?" A: Yes you can, just make sure you are exporting the types from...

I am planning to update the setup to CRA v5 or Vite.js at some point. Until then, you can try to bypass the error by adding `SKIP_PREFLIGHT_CHECK=TRUE` to your `.env`...

Hey, that is a good idea and something I have already considered but it might be a bit redundant. I agree that choosing between next.js vs plain react is a...

Hi @moshfiqrony, thanks for adding bulletproof-react repo to the list I appreciate it. I must add that it is not a package or a tool, but a collection of good...

Hi there! I haven't tried it yet with v4 but I think [this]( would be a breaking change. Other than that, I am not sure if anything else would be...

Hi there, Yes, as @fmonper1 says, it should be handled outside of this library, at the API client layer which is why using axios is a good idea. There is...

Hi there, I am suspecting that the error is caused by these lines: `div` is not valid element in RN, so you can try to provide your own...

Hi @marxyes , Can you create a reproducible codesandbox or add your configuration here so I can take a look at it in more detail?

Hi there! You are right, it is. As the matter of fact, this is not the only case in the app, there are more. If you add the "import/no-cycle" rule...